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General Surgeons


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General Surgeons



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Consult an Online Surgeon on MedKare!

Were you advised to undergo a surgery? Do you need help managing your symptoms? Are you planning to opt for an alternative treatment? We make your online searches for “general surgeon near me” easier by directing you to one of the most-reputed online medical platforms where you can consult with leading general surgeons through chat or video any time of day at your utmost convenience. 

MedKare finest general surgeons provide online consultations and give necessary advice and management care to patients with an existing complication that requires surgical intervention. Understanding the condition, the state of mind of patients, their medical parameters, our online surgeons offer quick pre and post-operative advice to ensure proper management and care.

Our general surgeons handle cases related to hernia, gall stones, piles or hemorrhoids, appendicitis, kidney stones among other medical conditions.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past, consider taking a COVID-19 antibody test to test your immunity levels.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past, consider taking a COVID-19 antibody test to test your immunity levels. 

What We Cover?

  • Pre and Post-Operative Care: Our experienced online surgeons offer pre and post-operative care and advice. It is crucial for patients to manage their systems in the pre-operative state, take necessary medications, and consult a doctor if symptoms aggravate. Post-operative care advice is very important to make sure patients can manage their pain, recovery, take timely medications, and get back to normal life. Our general surgeons can provide correct guidelines to patients with conditions like appendicitis, which is painful and debilitating. If timely surgery is not done, the appendix may burst and even lead to death. Likewise, it is imperative to care for patients with gallbladder stones, which often goes undiagnosed. In this case, a gall bladder surgeon would be the best person to consult for a diagnosis and post-treatment care. 
  • Piles/Hemorrhoids Surgery: Lifestyle, food habits, medicines, and many other factors lead to piles, or hemorrhoids. It is a painful condition affecting the rectum. Our online surgeons suggest patients to go for a surgery for permanent piles removal and quick recovery. They also care for patients and explain to them about the recovery period and scope of treatment.
  • Appendix surgery: Our general surgeons provide pre and post-operative advice for appendix surgery. If you have been searching online for “appendicitis surgeon near me” why not consult top surgeons online through MedKare for appendix care instead? Instead of travelling to a clinic and waiting in line, consult a surgeon online on the MedKare instead. Through instant chat and video consultation, an online surgeon will be able to provide you with the best pre and post-operative advice for any appendix-related issues you may have. 
  • Hernia operation: Consult from a team of our online surgeons for hernia operations. Our doctors offer preliminary care and advice.
  • Removal or biopsy of tumors, masses and cysts: Need advice for any of these issues? Our doctors are here to help you with your condition.
  • Circumcisions: Get genuine advice for circumcision, post-operative care and much more.
  • Amputation (AKA, BKA): Amputation is very difficult. It takes immense care to recover from the pain and trauma. Our expert general surgeons offer preliminary advice and care guidelines patients.
  • Laparoscopy: Laparoscopy surgery is minimally invasive and the most sophisticated one of its kind. Consult our esteemed doctors for advice on laparoscopy surgery.
  • Gall bladder disease: Further, our gall bladder surgeons on MedKare are available for consultation anytime for any gallstones or gallbladder or issues you may face. 

Our online surgeons are experienced and well-versed in their respective fields. They provide all the necessary advice with respect to your condition and suggest how to recover rapidly post-surgery.

Top General Surgeons Online

We make your searches for “general surgeon near me” or “surgeon near me” easier by offering you the best online medical platform where you can consult with leading surgeons from the comfort of your home. Through instant chat and video consultation, our online surgeons make sure you get proper advice, care and treatment no matter your condition. Get online doctor consultation at your own convenience with the best general surgeons on MedKare.

During this pandemic, it is highly advisable to opt for a COVID antibody RTPCR test for safety and assurance at the comfort of your home accurately on MedKare.

It’s important to note that during the coronavirus pandemic, individuals who are inflicted with underlying disorders such as diabetes are at higher risk of contracting COVID-19. If you or a loved one suffer from any such pre-existing disorders, we urge you to immediately seek medical advice from the “best general physician near me” with a primary care specialist. They will guide you on the best self-care practices for your well-being.

Stomach Infection: The tell-all signs of a stomach infection are stomach painvomitingdiarrhea, gas, and general uneasiness. The best doctors in general medicine take into account the symptoms of the condition, run necessary diagnostic tests, and provide medication for relief.

Respiratory DiseasesAllergiesasthma, lung infections, sinusitis, pneumonia and TB, require special care and attention. When left untreated, such infections can become chronic and lead to severe complications.

Disease of JointsBackache, foot pain, frozen shoulder, and other common symptoms of joint diseases require holistic treatment. Expert general physicians advise keeping pains and aches in control through medication and therapy. They will guide you to top orthopedicians if necessary.

Other Common Ailments: Problems such as muscular weakness, headachemigraine, and lethargy are a part of a busy lifestyle. The “best general physician near me” helps in modifying your lifestyle to promote quick relief.

Best General Physicians on MedKare

Highly experienced primary care providers and general doctors specializing in general medicine from top hospitals are available for speedy consults from the “best general physician near me” at MedKare. Without wasting time and queuing up for medical care, you can now connect with the General Physiciansof your locality using the MedKare app or look for the “best general physician near me” or “family doctor near me” and get preliminary medical advice online.

Alert for COVID-19 pandemic

With the ongoing global crisis and India’s 21-day lockdown, we understand that many people have limited access to medical facilities. As healthcare providers, we are working hard to ensure that you can consult to a doctor online on our MedKare app. If you observe any indication of flu, these could be COVID-19 symptoms. We urge you not to panic – log on to our Medkare app and take up an online consultation with a general physician nearby immediately, without any wait time and from the safety of your home. If you are searching for ‘general physicians near me’, we can facilitate consultation from the “best general physician near me” at a moment’s notice to help guide you online and recommend a coronavirus testing centre if required.

Keep in mind that flu-like symptoms can range from mild to severe with COVID-19. If you do notice COVID symptoms, isolate yourself from any members of the household and inform them of the symptoms you are experiencing. Disinfect surfaces to prevent the potential risk of the spread of the infection and monitor your symptoms daily to report to a general medicine doctor.

During this pandemic, it is highly advisable to opt for a COVID antibody RTPCR test for safety and assurance at the comfort of your home accurately on MedKare.

We also request that you take out 2 minutes to help contribute to tracking the spread of infections in your area with the MedKare radar here. This will help immensely during this time of uncertainty.

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Dr. Rajeev Goel

MBBS, DNB (Nehphrology) | Speaker – Hindi, English | 18 Year ExpVirtual Consultation – Slot timings: 24hrs AvailableDoctor name: Dr Rajesh Goel Clinic name: Kidney

Dr. Sarad  Brahmbhatt

MBBS, DNB (Paediatrics & pediatrician) | Speaker – Hindi, English | 19 Year Exp

About Us


MedKare is a holistic healthcare company that aims to make healthcare accessible and affordable in the country. In order to streamline the functioning of the health industry, we have brought doctors, pharmacists, phlebotomists and consumers under one digital ambit. This will save you from the burden of waiting in long queues, riding to a medical store or visiting a doctor.

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