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Consult Dietician Online at MedKare

healthy diet is a key to fitness, healthy life and vigour. But stress and work combined can result in a lack of time, which can further lead to neglect in taking care of one’s health. This is where online dietitians can play a role and guide you with healthy meal plans and in maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle from the comfort of your home. In this way, we make your online searches for “dietitian near me” and “nutritionists near me” easier. On MedKare, we offer dietitian online consultations near me, nutritionist near me  and dietician near me to all those who want to make their health a priority.

Consulting a Dietitian During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Role of Diet in Boosting Immunity: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about much awareness about the importance of diet and lifestyle and that role it plays in building up one’s immunity. While the lockdowns and restrictions are forcing people to stay indoors and work from home, many are taking this time to prioritise their health, diet and lifestyle in order to protect themselves from the COVID-19 disease. Even during this pandemic, MedKare makes online doctor consultations easier for you by enabling you to consult leading dietitians online through instant chat and video call for advice on immunity-boosting diet guidelines and lifestyle changes and even treatment plans for common dietary conditions like obesity, IBS, PCOD etc.
  • Diet and the COVID-19 Vaccine: Even as the COVID-19 vaccines roll out, it is advised prior to taking the vaccine to consult your dietitian on what to eat and what to avoid on the day or a even a week pre and post vaccine to ensure its effectiveness on the body while also keeping you comfortable even if you happen to experience any side effects. Nevertheless, if you happen to experience symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has recently tested positive, it is advised to consult a doctor online and self-quarantine. Alternatively, you can book an RTPCR test on MedKare to confirm or rule out the diagnosis of COVID-19.
  • Diet and Mental Health: Diet, moreover, can play a major role during a sickness. Therefore, if you are suffering from COVID-19 at present, our best dietitians online on MedKare are available for you to consult anytime any place at your own convenience for advise on what to eat and what to avoid during the course of the illness. A healthy diet has also shown to positively impact mental health and those who are undergoing grief from the loss of a loved one, or anxiety and fear from distressing news stories can benefit from dietitians to help physically supplement your bodies and minds to help you deal with your situation.

When should I see a dietitian or an online nutritionist?

Many struggle to find healthy ways to lose weight and this neglect of well-being can result in the development of diseases and lifestyle complications. If you feel that you’re not keeping a healthy weight, you should consult a dietitian online near me and a nutritionist near me for the following:

During this pandemic, it is highly advisable to opt for a COVID antibody RTPCR test for safety and assurance at the comfort of your home accurately on MedKare.

What do online dietitians and nutritionists treat?

Dietitians are experts in dietetics, who provide suggestions on leading a healthy, nutritious lifestyle by providing diet plans. Some other areas dieticians can be instrumental in are:

  • Nutrition: The nutritional needs of individuals vary according to several factors that are at play. Age, lifestyle, weight, body type, pre-existing medical conditions, overall health, and other such factors suggest individual nutritional requirements. As a result, our expert registered nutritionist, nutritionist near me and dietician online consultation sessions involve assessments based on individual parameters to suggest good diet plans. MedKare’s online nutritionists keep the food habits and regional availability of certain foods in mind when drawing up personalized, effective, healthy meal plans. They also help busy myths about various popular diets such as the Indian GM diet plan and more, to keep you well informed about your choices.
  • AllergiesFood-related allergies can prove to be a hindrance to diet and healthy eating. Many people are also unable to tell when they have an intolerance to certain kinds of foods, of which, lactose intolerance is the most common. With proper consultation with a nutritionist, you can build a meal plan based on your needs, be it a lactose intolerance diet which lists lactose-free foods, or even a wheat allergy diet plan, to get the nutrients from other foods that your body can tolerate instead. A consultation with an online dietitian will also help prevent complications that may arise with your health if you suffer from allergies or intolerances.
  • Weight loss: An expert online dietitian and nutritionist near me for weight loss will help you overcome the struggle to lose weight. MedKare has some of the best dietitians and nutritionist near me for weight loss who will help plan a weight loss meal plan and a basic exercise regime for individuals that are each highly personalised. Many are tempted to follow fast weight loss tips and other easy ways to lose weight, but our nutritionists offer good diet plans which include some of the best foods for weight loss to help you achieve your goals. Our expert online dietitians for weight loss follow a methodical approach to give good results to clients. You can check out this medically approved 7-day Indian weight loss diet plan chart and Indian detox diet plan to get some insights.
  • Diet specific to disease: For people suffering from certain medical conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, PCOD, cardiovascular diseases, anaemia, some types of cancers, and others, expert dietitians specialised in the field of dietetics consider all medical complications and suggest a remedial diet plan for recovery with adequate nutrition. Many refer to MedKare’s specialists for healthy meal plans for anemia, PCOS and diabetes. dietitians near me also suggest foods to fight anemia, prediabetic diet plans, diabetic meal plans, and PCOS diet and exercise plans based on your medical condition.
  • Overall wellness: A diet that takes into account your overall health, including digestive and heart health, disease prevention, and healthy ageing, is necessary for everyone. Speak to a registered dietitian today to improve your general wellness and live a healthy life. You may also discuss various nutritional deficiencies such as Vitamin D deficiency, vegetarian B12 Indian foods etc. MedKare’s specialists can guide you on foods to avoid with heart disease and the best foods for heart health as preventive measures as well. Your dietitian will also help you deal with obesity and other issues. You can read more about an Indian Obesity diet chart to know more.

How to consult with dietitians on MedKare?

Taking care of your health is important, and we at MedKare recognise this. We offer online doctor consultation with dietitians, nutritionists and much more, each held in high regard in their practices. We make your searches for “dietitian near me” and “nutritionists near me” easier by leading you to one of the largest online medical platforms where you can consult from a team of top dietitians from the comfort of your home.  Without having to deal with the hassle of appointments and long queues, you can schedule dietitian online consultations in your city.

If you or a loved one was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past, consider taking a COVID-19 antibody test to test your immunity levels. 

Medical Guides


Ans – Nutritionists specialise in promoting good health and helping patients achieve their nutritional goals. They provide healthy meal plans and diets based on the individual’s profile and dietary requirements. They can upgrade themselves to become dietitians by taking up a dietetics course and getting certified. A dietitian focuses on food management and considers any existing medical conditions you have to help you achieve optimal health.

Ans – Many people use the terms interchangeably, but their educational qualifications and their roles differ from one another. A nutritionist needs to study dietetics in order to become a licensed dietitian. This is mainly because nutritionists plan diets for people to achieve better health through nutritional foods, while dietitians plan and supervise diets for patients with medical problems. For example, if you are presenting gluten allergy symptoms or symptoms of being lactose intolerant, a dietician will be able to create a good diet plan for you to follow. Cancer patients and diabetes patients also follow a different diet, and a dietician helps plan personalised diets for them.

There can be a number of situations wherein you should consult with an online dietician. Whether you want to manage your weight better, need dietary counselling, or have a medical condition that requires you to change your diet, you should consider scheduling a consultation with a registered dietician or registered nutritionist.

Yes, a dietician can help you with healthy meal plans and suggest an exercise regime to help you gain weight. They will analyse your metabolic rate, your body type, and will suggest ways for you to gain weight in a healthy manner.

People often do not know what the best way to lose weight is and may opt for unhealthy habits they may consider as easy ways to lose weight. Losing weight can depend on a number of factors, like your body type, height, metabolism, digestion, and the lifestyle you follow. An online dietician can help you estimate your individual calorie requirements by assessing several factors that are pertaining to you. They can, therefore, suggest some of the best diets for weight loss, which are detailed and personalised to help you lose weight in a healthy manner. Whether you are looking for a simple meal plan to lose weight or a healthy, yet low-calorie diet plan, mfine’s specialists will consider every request.

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