According to doctors, the symptoms of white fungus disease are similar to coronavirus infection. As this attacks the lungs, the disease can be detected by performing an HRCT test on an infected patient.
Amid the on-going second wave of the deadly COVID-19 disease, the country recently reported a spike in rare fungal infection called black fungus (Mucormycosis) cases. And now, adding to the trouble, the capital of Bihar, Patna recently reported four cases of white fungus.
How were the white fungus cases detected?
According to a report in Zee News, Dr SN Singh, head of the Microbiology, Department of PMCH who confirmed white fungus cases, said that all four patients showed all the symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, but tested negative in every test. The doctor said that during a detailed investigation, it turned out that they were infected with white fungus.
However, all the patients as of now are completely fine after being administered the anti-fungal medicines.
Is White Fungus deadlier than black fungus?
According to health experts, White Fungus infection is more dangerous than black fungus infection as it not only affects the lungs but other parts of the body such as nails, skin, stomach, kidney, brain, private parts and mouth.
What are the symptoms of White Fungus?
According to doctors, the symptoms of this rare fungal disease are similar to coronavirus infection. As this attacks the lungs, the disease can be detected by performing HRCT test on an infected patient.
Who is at risk?
As with the black fungus infection, those with low immunity are at a greater risk. People with pre-existing medical issues like diabetes or those on steroids for a long time are most likely to get infected with White Fungus.