Complete Covid 19 Antibody Test


This package covers

  1. IgG Antibody Levels
  2. Indicates you may have exposed to COVID-19 infection in the recent past
  3. These antibodies may protect you from future infection
  4. Note: This test checks if you had a past infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease.

Why should you book this package?

What is a COVID-19 antibody blood test?

The rising cases of COVID in India, followed by a subsequent lockdown, have taken a toll on people. Be it about the coronavirus diseases, or symptoms of COVD-19, or the covid vaccine side effects, several questions need to be addressed regularly. Along with the legit doubts, people are also struggling to keep many myths and misconceptions at bay.

A common misconception is that a coronavirus diagnostic test and a COVID-19 antibody test are the same. While the former is a ‘swab’ type test, an antibody blood test determines whether you have had COVID-19 in the past and now have antibodies in blood fighting against it. Antibodies are protective proteins created by the immune system to fight against foreign objects like bacteria and viruses.

What does the complete COVID-19 antibody screening package include?

The complete COVID-19 antibody package are antibody screening tests that detect antibodies against coronavirus in your bloodstream. Antibodies in blood are protective proteins and are part of an immune response to fight against foreign substances like bacteria and viruses.

A phlebotomist will draw blood from your arm. The blood sample is collected and sent for analysing the presence of antibodies level count.

The complete COVID-19 antibody package consists of two tests:

  • COVID-19 IgG blood test: An IgG blood test indicates if you have developed IgG as an immune response against the virus. This antibody is seen in most patients between 1-3 weeks of infection and remains in the bloodstream post-recovery. However, the World Health Organisation states that there is a lack of evidence on how much protection these antibodies can provide against COVID-19 and for how long.
  • COVID-19 total antibodies test/ Ig blood test: The presence of IgM (immunoglobulin M) antibody indicates the onset of the virus. The presence of IgG (immunoglobulin G) antibody forms later and indicates the likelihood of past infection. Usually, in infectious diseases, the severity decreases when antibodies are produced. However, with COVID-19, the appearance of IgG and IgM antibodies can vary with time.
  • Thus, it is important to take an overall Ig blood test, rather than test for subtypes like IgG and IgM separately.

    Why should you get a complete COVID-19 antibody screening test?

    You should get a COVID-19 antibody blood test if:

  • You doubt that you might have come in contact with a COVID-19 positive person in the past
  • You have developed flu-like symptoms
  • You were recently infected with COVID-19 and want to understand your immune status
  • By doing so, experts will have a better understanding of how common the virus is and will be able to plan control of its spread better. For more information, contact a general physician to discuss if you need a COVID-19 diagnostic test or a COVID-19 total antibody screening test.The eligibility of both tests will depend on test availability and your location.

    Why should you get a COVID-19 IgG antibody test?

    You should get a COVID-19 IgG antibody test if:

  • You may have contacted a COVID-19 positive person in the past.
  • You doubt you may have developed COVID-19 symptoms in the past.
  • You were recently diagnosed with COVID-19 and want to know your antibody levels.
  • By doing so, not only will you learn about your immunity status, but you will also help experts gain a better understanding of how to control the spread of the novel virus. If you are concerned, consult a general physician  to understand if you need a COVID-19 diagnostic test or a COVID-19 IgG antibody test.

    The eligibility of both tests will depend on two factors:

    What does the antibody blood test result mean?

    Positive antibody test:

  • Positive antibody test:
  • A positive antibody blood test indicates that you may have had COVID-19 recently. This means that your body has registered an immune response to it in the form of antibodies in blood to provide long term immunity. However, the time period is still under speculation as researchers believe that the antibodies stay in the bloodstream for about 3-6 months. This protects the individual from getting re-infected by the novel coronavirus.

  • Negative antibody test:
  • A negative antibody blood test simply means that antibodies were not detected in your blood sample. Either your body has not come across the virus causing COVID-19, or you may have been exposed, but the immune response has not been developed yet. A negative antibody test does not mean you should stop following COVID-19 safety guidelines.

    If you develop flu-like symptoms, make sure to isolate yourself and contact a general doctor on Medkare to understand what test is suitable for you. There are COVID blood tests and HRCT chest scans which are recommended to covid positive patients to help measure the severity of inflammation and covid infection. If you are more concerned, contact the local board of health to find the best treatment options suitable for your needs. Until then, continue maintaining safety protocols like social distancing and wearing a face mask.

    It is crucial to note that no COVID-19 test is always accurate. It is possible to be infected and still test negative. Continue following COVID Homecare, and COVID-19 guidelines of your district, such as, social distancing and wearing a face mask. Follow the updates on the new symptoms of covid-19 second wave and take the necessary precautions. It is vital to protect yourself from the covid-19 exposure and its other complications.

    How to take the COVID-19 antibody test online?

    A complete COVID-19 antibody screening package includes a free consultation with top doctors. By catering to the residents of, you can receive the test results at home within 48 hours, all analyzed by top pathologists using high-end technology. The sample of your blood will be picked up from home by a representative from during the scheduled time slot.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    An antibody blood test determines whether you have had COVID-19 in the past and now have antibodies in blood fighting against it. You should get a COVID-19 antibody blood test if:
  • You doubt that you might have come in contact with a COVID-19 positive person in the past
  • You have developed flu-like symptoms
  • You were recently infected with COVID-19 and want to understand your immune status
  • If you develop flu-like symptoms, make sure to isolate yourself and contact a general doctor on medkare to understand if you require a COVID-19 diagnostic test or a COVID-19 antibody test.

    Once the blood samples of your COVID-19 antibody test have been collected, it takes 48 hours to process and analyse the antibodies in blood with our partner labs. Once this is completed, the results will be uploaded onto your profile on the Medkare.

    general doctor in Bengaluru will consult with you once your COVID-19 antibody blood test reports are in. After going over the results, the expert will suggest a way forward if you have been tested positive and on the severity of your symptoms if you show any.

    A doctor’s prescription is not required to get a COVID-19 antibody screening test. However, it is recommended that you consult with a general doctor before going ahead with the COVID-19 antibody test. A medical expert can understand your situation better and recommend options based on your needs.

    About Us


    MedKare is a holistic healthcare company that aims to make healthcare accessible and affordable in the country. In order to streamline the functioning of the health industry, we have brought doctors, pharmacists, phlebotomists and consumers under one digital ambit. This will save you from the burden of waiting in long queues, riding to a medical store or visiting a doctor.

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