In these uncertain times we offer assistance and assure you that our thoughts are always with you and the women we serve. I do hope that you and your family members are keeping safe and healthy as the COVID-19 pandemic gains momentum globally.

Today we are launching a section on information relating to COVID-19 that we think will benefit our members throughout the world and we will be continuing to update this regularly. This followed the request from the President, Dr Carlos Fuchtner to all our Committee and Working Group Chairs to contribute statements and information and many responded as you can see. We are aiming to cover as many aspects of Women’s Health as possible. We have also tried to make our information and advice relevant to those of you living and working in Lower and Middle Income Countries.
The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Statement posted earlier this month has been continually updated as the information evolved and we have been paying close attention to updates from the WHO, our partners, our National Member Societies and government advice. There is no current evidence that pregnant women are more at risk than the general population, but clearly the data are limited, and we believe that pregnancy should be considered a vulnerable time. Social Distancing is absolutely essential. Fortunately, there is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted to the baby during pregnancy as yet.
We are monitoring the situation closely and are eager to ensure that medkare, the expertise of our Committee Chairs and our Executive Council is amplified globally throughout our membership base. If you have information that may be of value to others, please share so that we can post on our website to ensure that that there is consistency between statements.
Medkare should be taking center stage in providing advice on women’s health in the languages of Medkare.